Tally Payroll

Tally Payroll-YUGA ERP

Salary Processing and Tally Payroll Accounting

Tally Prime offers smart payroll management with a collection of predefined processes that automate payroll operations error-free. Additionally, it allows you to easily view and handle exceptions, ensuring seamless payroll processing.

Flexible Employee Grouping in Tally Prime

With TallyPrime, you can classify employees based on various parameters, such as job function, department, location, and designation. Additionally, you can define salary structures at the Employee Group level, allowing you to apply a common salary structure to entire departments like Marketing, R&D, Sales, and Accounts.

Tally Payroll-YUGA ERP
Flexible attendance & production types In Tally Prime-YGA ERP

Flexible attendance & production types In Tally Prime

Tally Prime empowers you to create multiple attendance types, including paid days (Present, Sick Leave, EL, CL, etc.), unpaid days (absent LOP), and production-based (piece work), enabling accurate computation of employee pay and seamless tracking of their presence and productivity.

Tally Payroll Integration with Accounting

Seamlessly integrate payroll data with accounting processes in Tally, ensuring consistency and accuracy across financial records. This integration enhances overall efficiency and streamlines financial reporting.

Integration with Accounting-YUGA ERP

Efficient Taxation Management

Tally’s payroll module simplifies tax calculations and deductions, taking into account UAE tax laws and regulations. This ensures accurate tax withholding and reporting, facilitating smooth tax compliance for businesses.

Customizable Salary Structures

Tally allows businesses to create and customize salary structures based on various parameters such as grades, departments, or positions. This flexibility ensures accurate and tailored compensation for employees.

Best Tally Payroll Software solutions in Ajman-YUGA ERP

Compliance with UAE Labor Laws

Tally ensures adherence to UAE labor regulations, including requirements related to wages protection, gratuity calculations, and end-of-service benefits. By staying compliant, businesses mitigate the risk of legal issues and penalties.