Tally Inventory

Tally Inventory Management

Unlimited Grouping, Categorization, Batch Tracking, and Multiple Locations

With Tally Inventory Management effortlessly segregate multiple product lines by defining limitless groups, categories, batches, and locations/god owns , accommodating the diverse needs of your business with ease.

Tally Inventory Management-YUGA ERP
Tally Inventory Management-YUGA ERP

Versatile Units of Measurement

Tally Prime offers flexibility in defining various units of measurement, allowing businesses to adapt to diverse product specifications and operational requirements seamlessly.

The Manufacturing Journal in Tally Prime

Tally Prime offers comprehensive features to seamlessly record the entire manufacturing cycle. Easily document raw material usage, track dispatch from specific god owns, and capture purchase costs. With Tally Prime, effortlessly record details of finished goods, by-products, and scrap, ensuring accurate and streamlined manufacturing processes.

Tally Inventory Management-YUGA ERP

The Bill of Materials in Tally Prime

Tally Prime’s robust Bill of Materials (BoM) feature empowers you to precisely outline the raw materials, assemblies, parts, and components required, along with their respective quantities, for manufacturing a finished product. Additionally, you can seamlessly define any associated by-products, co-products, and scrap within the BoM of finished products, ensuring meticulous control over your manufacturing processes.

Re-order level In Tally Prime

Tally Prime’s Reorder Level feature guarantees that you maintain optimal stock levels, eliminating the risk of stockouts. In real-time, effortlessly identify items that require replenishment and determine the appropriate quantities. Set re-order levels and minimum order thresholds to automate the generation of re-order status reports, detailing shortfalls and the quantities to be ordered, ensuring efficient inventory management.

Re-order level-YUGA ERP

Multiple stock valuation In Tally Prime

Tally Prime offers the flexibility to value your closing stock using various methods. Tailor your approach by selecting different stock valuation methods for each item based on your specific requirements. Supported stock valuation methods in Tally Prime include:

  • Average Cost
  • LIFO Annual
  • FIFO Perpetual
  • Last Purchase Cost
  • FIFO
  • Std. Cost
  • LIFO Perpetual
  • At Zero Cost
  • Monthly Avg. Cost

Job work In Tally Prime

TallyPrime’s robust Job Work feature enables comprehensive management of job work processes for both principal manufacturers and job workers. Easily record material issues, receipts, and consumption, all supported by detailed job work reports. This ensures complete visibility into job and material status, enhancing operational efficiency.

Managing Manufacture and Expiry Dates in Tally Prime-YUGA ERP

Managing Manufacture and Expiry Dates in Tally Prime

For businesses handling products with a defined shelf life or short durability, managing manufacture and expiry dates is essential. Tally Prime’s Batch Summary Report allows you to efficiently maintain batches with detailed manufacturing and expiry dates. Gain complete visibility into batch specifics, including the manufacturing date, expiry date, and the number of days until expiry, ensuring accurate and timely inventory management.